FiaMia: DIY: Baking Soda and beauty

DIY: Baking Soda and beauty

sábado, outubro 11, 2014

Hi everyone!
Today i decided to try to make a post in english, so a can have more views! I will do my best to do a good job!=)

I discovered recently that baking soda as many benefits for beauty and health, it can replace many products that are expensive and have the same results. And the best thing is that is so cheap and the majority of people can have this ingredient is their homes.

1.Dry Shampo: When your hair is oily and you don't have time to wash it, spread a little bit of baking soda in you roots and massaje it for 1m. It will absorve all the oil and it will last for at least one day!

2.Removes all the produts from your hair: To clean all the sprays, condicioners and dry shampo, add a tea sponne of baking soda to your shampo. It will make the hair so much cleanner!

3.Exfoliating your face and body: Misture baking soda and water until creates a paste, them massaje it and wipe it. Use some moisturizer next!

4. Clean your teeth: Use a little bitte of baking soda in your tooth brush with some toothpaste and wash your teeth normally!Do this once a week or a month!

Warning: This are just some sugestions that worked with me, This data is for informational purposes only. SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED MEDICAL ADVICE.

I hope you guys enjoy it and comment down bellow some suggestions for more post!
M e l i s s a

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